葬礼上matthew的悼词几乎成了全片的焦点台词。 美国诗人 w.h auden的诗:FUNERAL bluesstop all the clocks,cut off the telephone,prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,silence the pianos and with muffled drum,bring out the coffin,let the mourners come.let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead,scribbling on the sky the message he is dead,put crepe bows round the white necks of the publicdoves,let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.he was my north,my south,my east and west,my working week and my sunday rest,my noon,my midnight,mu talk,my song;i thought that love would last forever:i was wrong.the stars are not wanted now;put out every one;pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;for nothing now can ever come to any good.停掉时钟, 拔掉电话给狗儿骨头让它停止吠叫让钢琴静默,将鼙鼓蒙起抬出灵怄,让悼念的人群汇集让飞机在上空盘旋悲鸣在苍穹潦草写下:他已逝去为白鸽颈间系上黑纱让交通警察换上黑色手套他是我的南北西东他是我的工作日,我的星期天我的正午,我的夜晚我的话语,我的欢歌我总以为爱能不朽,但我错了如今星辰已不再需要,让它们熄灭了吧收起月亮,搬走太阳,扫光森林,倾尽海洋,因为世间从此不再美好
精确的讲“四个?一个?”最初还是在音乐台看的片段,那时在放“wet wet wet”的mtv,就是该乐队演绎的主题曲“love is all around”,那时很pop的一首歌,甚至在“billboard”榜上都火了一把~
“诺丁山”原音唱片在音乐电台里介绍过,几乎是整张cd的歌,“shania twain”的“you've got a way”很靓的一首抒情作品,“98°”那首“i do”也一如往昔很甜~~但最吸引的非“elvis costello”的“she”莫属。在女主角的新闻发布会,适时的音乐响起,两人那种对视的迷茫,缠绕百转,“蓝眼睛”那复杂忧郁的表情,实在让人留下深刻的印象。
而在“诺”和“新”两部影片里。也巧遇了alan的两首翻唱老歌的英文原版,分别是“spencer davis group”的“gimme some lovin' ”和
“c.walder/d.arnold ”作曲的不知名的老歌,只记得那场景,“茱丽亚,罗伯茨”得知相交多年的男友,即将结婚,匆匆赶去当伴娘,光阴荏苒,谁知未来无意间拐入旁边的一条小路,气氛一下子有了改变,先前的喧嚣在这里消失了踪迹,凝视着橱窗里模糊的身影,一份无依无助的孤独,偶遇几张陌生的脸孔,人们平淡而又从容。在机场,两人再度重逢,那伤感的回忆无比清晰的在心中一遍遍复现、蔓延,而此时那首经典老歌的音乐,缓缓响起??
婚礼上,总会与自己的过去邂逅,一个十多年前,骑车带我去溜冰的年轻人,今天作为新郎的邻居,再次的见面而我们又历经了多少的路程 ,想起那时遭遇“警察叔叔”扣下自行车时的情景,似曾相识的一面之缘,就在那多愁善感而初次回忆的青春里苏醒。“hi~你还好吗?”“你呢??”
“你知道你在寻找你的蔺燕梅,你知道你在寻找你的童孝贤??你知道你在寻找 ……此处隐藏1085个字……:mummification, bequeathing of the body, direct disposition, cryogenics, and various forms of natural decomposition. many practices are based upon religiousbeliefs, and may directly effect the disposition choice.
FUNERALs customs
disposal of the dead
burial, the method most common in western countries, is usually in a grave in a cemetery plot. sometimes burial is in a vault, or chamber. there are burial vaults in some churches, and some cemeteries have buildings (often called mausoleums) containing vaults.burial may also be in a stone coffin, or sarcophagus, which serves as a monument to the dead. graves, burial vaults, and burial monuments are all called tombs. in western countries the body is usually placed in the grave on its back, with thelegs fully extended. moslems are buried in the right side, facing holy mecca. when buddhists use burial they put the head to the north with the face upward, as buddha was buried.
early christians adopted the custom of putting the feet toward the east so that at the resurrection the reborn might hurry toward the sunrise. many primitivepeoplesburied their dead in the fetal position, with knees drawn up toward the chin. there was a belief that death is related to birth, and that the body in the grave is awaiting rebirth.
in former times almost every cemetery had elaborate and impressive tombstones. now the trend is toward the simple, and often the stone is merely a marker.
disposal of the dead
burial, the method most common in western countries, is usually in a grave
in a
cemetery plot. sometimes burial is in a vault, or chamber. there are burial vaults
in some churches, and some cemeteries have buildings (often called mausoleums)
containing vaults.burial may also be in a stone coffin, or sarcophagus, which
serves as a monument to the dead. graves, burial vaults, and burial monuments are
all called tombs.
in western countries the body is usually placed in the grave on its back, with the
legs fully extended. moslems are buried in the right side, facing holy mecca. when
buddhists use burial they put the head to the north with the face upward, asbuddha was buried.
early christians adopted the custom of putting the feet toward the east so that at
the resurrection the reborn might hurry toward the sunrise. many primitive peoples
buried their dead in the fetal position, with knees drawn up toward the chin. there
was a belief that death is related to birth, and that the body in the grave is awaiting
in former times almost every cemetery had elaborate and impressive tombstones.
now the trend is toward the simple, and often the stone is merely a marker.
adiwan小编推荐其他精彩范文:pericles’FUNERAL oration
history of FUNERAL customs
chinese traditional FUNERAL
网上葬礼 online FUNERAL
FUNERAL blues葬礼蓝调